School Bus Pre-trip Inspection

Welcome Back to our 2024-2025 School Year!!
Student Drop off on campus 7:30 AM
Monday to thursday 8:00 aM to 3:00 PM
Friday Half Day Schedule 8:00 AM To 1:00 PM
Please refrain from early drop off, staff are on duty at 7:30 AM
Be at the bus stop 5 -10 minutes prior to the arrival of the bus.
Wait at your designated stop in a safe place, back from the side of the road.
Never stand in the danger zone that surrounds the bus. (10 feet from all sides of the school bus or 3 giant steps from the bus)
School buses must come to a complete stop and doors open before exiting or entering the school bus.
Vehicles in both directions must stop when the bus is stopped and flashing its overhead red lights, or its stop arm is activated.

Transportation Bus Schedule 2024-2025
****School bus routes and times are Approximate-subject to change. Communication via OneCall text and school transportation website. Kayenta Boarding School Transportation 928-697-3439 ext. 2716
Lizard Bus Route number 465- Mr. Sullivan
5:30 AM | 4:00 PM - Rough Rock
6:00 AM | 3:00 PM - Hwy 59 Route 6510
6:20 AM | 4:20 PM - Chilchinbeto Estate Housing
6:40 AM | 4:10 PM - Chilchinbeto Lower NHA Housing/ Chilchinbeto Chapter
6:50 AM | 4:00 PM - Hwy 59 Milepost 39
6:50 AM | 3:50 PM - Hwy 59 Milepost 43
7:10 AM | 3:25 PM - Old/ New NHA Housing Area
7:25 AM | 3:20 PM - Old PHS Housing Turnaround St & Dona St
Rabbit Bus Route number 356 - ms. stanley
5:45 AM | 2:30 PM - Hwy 160 West Milepost 357
6:10 AM | 2:10 PM - N Hwy 160 & Old Black Mesa Store
6:25 AM | 2:00 PM - N Hwy 160 Milepost 378 Long House Valley
6:40 AM | 1:45 PM - N Hwy 160 Milepost 390.5 across route 6485 Diversion Dam turn-off
6:45 AM | ADOT Road
7:05 AM | 3 PM - Long House Drive
7:10 AM | Betatakin Road Wetherill NHA Housing between House # 14 &15 and across house #11
7:15 AM | 3:20 PM - Comb Ridge Road/ Marsh Pass
7:17 AM | Comb Ridge Road/ Mystery Ln
7:18 AM | Comb Ridge Road/ Keetseel Ln
7:20 AM | Diversion Dam Road bottom of hill
eagle bus route number 186 - Ms. Sullivan
5:50 AM | 4:30 PM Skeleton Mesa
6:15 AM | 4:20 PM Route 6486/ Diversion Dam Road
6:35 AM | 4:05 PM W Hwy 160 Milepost 390.7
6:40 AM | 4:00 PM Harvest Time Road
6:50 AM | 3:55 PM East Route 5910
7:05 AM | 3:45 PM New Trailer Court
7:10 AM | 3:40 PM Old Trailer Court by old playground
7:15 AM | 3:38 PM Bus stop by Estate House #95
7:17 AM | 3:37 PM Bus stop by Estate House #163
7:19 AM | 3:35 PM Bus stop by Estate House #200
7:25 AM | 3:30 PM NTUA
7:30 AM | 3:25 PM Potter House/ Laguna Wash Road
Dolphin Bus Route Number 335 - Ms. Holiday
5:50 AM | 4:45 PM Oljato Chapter House (Bus route will start from this location until roads get maintenance for safe transportation of our students in the school bus.)
5:55 AM | 4:40 PM 494 Holiday Mesa Road/ Oljato Road by highway
6:00 AM | 4:35 PM SJC 423/ Oljato Road (Paiute Turn off)
6:05 AM | 4:30 PM SJC 427/ Oljato Road (West Train Rock area)
6:10 AM | 4:25 PM Oljato Road East side of Train Rock
6:15 AM | 4:20 PM Goulding's Gas Station
6:20 AM | 4:10 PM MV Junction
6:30 AM | 4:10 PM Mitchell Butte
6:40 AM | 4:00 PM Mystery Valley (Roads permitting bus will enter by milepost 412 and exit at milepost 410)
6:50 AM | 3:55 PM Milepost 308-307
7:05 AM | 3: 45 PM Narrow Canyon Turn off
7:10 AM | 3:40 PM El Cap
7:30 AM Campus
Turtle Bus Route Number 336- Ms. Clark
6:25 AM | 4:20 PM--------Babyrocks
6:45 AM | 3:55 PM--------New Hospital Housing
7:00 AM | 3:45 PM--------Dry Lake
7:10 AM | 3:20 PM--------MVHS Housing
7:20 AM | 3:30 PM--------Solar Plant/ Behind Toes
Kayenta Boarding School
School Bus Rules and guidelines
- Passengers must observe classroom conduct. Ordinary conversation is permitted. Horseplay, unruly behavior, abusive and obscene language or gestures are unacceptable.
- The use of tobacco, vapes, food, and drink on the bus is prohibited. Animals and oversized objects, as well as glass containers are not permitted.
- Always keep aisles and stairwell clear.
- Never extend any portion of your body out bus windows.
- Attempting to get off or move about while the bus is in motion is unacceptable. Always remain seated until the bus stops.
- Drivers will not unload passengers at places other than the assigned stops near their home or school without proper written authorization from the parent with approval from the school administration.
- To ensure safety, the driver is in charge. Passengers must respond promptly to instructions given.
- Passengers make sure to secure all objects and that they are free from harming anyone. Be courteous and cooperate with bus drivers.
- Emergency exits are to only be opened during emergency situations.
- Getting on and off the school bus; use the handrails. Pushing or shoving is not acceptable behavior. Step down carefully and away from the bus ten feet, away from all sides of the bus, outside the danger zone.
(928) 697-3439 Ext. 2716 Transportation Department