Joseph Hall Residential

Indian Education Title VI Grant
Indian Education Title VI Grant Information
Vision Statement
"At Joseph Hall we provide a safe home environment for our residential students and help them to understand the importance of study habits to instill an optimistic view of education. Our focus is to teacher how positive behavior will impact their self-esteem, coping skills, life skills and educational processes. Our goal is to inspire each child to utilize these strategies to continue their educational endeavors."
Mission Statement
To provide opportunities to all residential students to develop important life skills, acquire academic knowledge and enhance the out of classroom experience that will aid in the preparation of our students’ future.
General Information
THE POLICY AND PROCEDURES and THE VIOLATIONS AND CONSEQUENCES stated in the Residential Handbook coincide directly with the Academic Student Handbook; and consequences for violations are enforced at both departments
Accountablility Procedures
Residential students are responsible for checking in/out at all times. The use of student check outs, roll calls, bed checks, passes, and general observation and supervision of students are required procedures that will be conducted by the residential staff. All students must be physically accounted for six times daily. If a student is unaccounted for, the home-living program must follow its established search protocol and procedures.
Attendance Policy
The residential staff encourages students to attend school daily. If a student is absent from the dormitory for ten consecutive days without a doctors statement they will automatically be withdrawn from the dormitory. Due to the limited capacity of the residential hall if your child is withdrawn from the dormitory due to absences they will have to reenroll and possibly be placed on a waiting list. Residential students are encouraged to be present during ISEP Count Week in October and May to acquire funds to further the homeliving privileges.
Joseph Hall Residential
PO BOX 188
Kayenta AZ 86033